The first thing that came to mind when I saw this week’s photo challenge was «freshly fallen snow», and I would have waited until tomorrow, when we get new, fresh white stuff. We also have snow that’s beginning to look yucky, as it always does this time of year. Instead of going on about snow again, I decided to go for «artificially fresh». This is actually one of my pet peeves, as they do nothing but add perfume. One manufacturer even used to claim that it killed 99,9% bacteria, PLUS the influenza virus, which is impossible. If they’d come up with a way to kill virus I’d congratulate them. I think that ad has stopped now, there must be some limits to how much you can lie in commercials?! I said to our family doctor; “Why would I have a flu shot when I can just spray myself with Lysol instead?!”

Now … onto the challenge, here’s some fake fresh air!

32 thoughts on “WP Weekly Photochallenge ~ Fresh

  1. Cheaper and you don’t have to leave home to use it except when going to the store. You can buy Shower In A Can too. Just spray on that deodorant.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is one of my pet peeves too. I hate the stuff! I once read something about how when the company first made this product, it had no scent. It failed in all the test markets because people grow accustomed to the way their homes smell and forget to use it. The company then reevaluated how they sold the product, and began to market it as final step in cleaning. Fragrance was added to make homes smell “fresh” after cleaning. It smells gross if you ask me (so does air freshener and scented candles).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Still can’t see the right side of blog for the side bar nor could I see what I was typing & I cannot post a comment right on your page. I have to go into Reader to post a comment. I hope you can figure this out as it is a bit confusing.
    ((hugs)) Sherri-Ellen


  4. ROFL at spraying yourself with Lysol!!! Yeah it’s incredible what they can come up with in the commercial world! meh!!

    That’s a great shot! And I do LOVE that tablecloth?


    1. They would never have been able to say something like that in an ad back home. No way. I like that table cloth too … bought it for a few buck, it’s all made of some kind of synthetic fabric, but it looks nice.


      1. Funny you should say that…
        You’d never have been able to get away with such things here either, not so long ago. Now, it seems the only time something is “wrong” is if you happening to get caught):
        We never used to have drug adverts allowed on Canadian television either. Does anyone ever actually listen to all of the hyper-speak legalese “cautions” at the end of these things?


        1. I do … I listen, but that might be because I was in ‘shock’ when I first arrived. We didn’t have drug ads either, so seeing prescription drugs being advertised on TV was all new to me. I even asked my family doctor if many patients did that; asked if ******* [insert any stupid drug] was right for her/him, and he said yes.

          I really don’t know it this is a good thing, to have those ads on TV. Sometimes those ‘cautions’ end with May cause death !


          1. Yes! Or some say, “Tell your doctor if you have liver disease, glaucoma, blah, blah, blah; before taking …” (I always thought diagnosis was supposed to be the doctor’s job):
            I have been asked questions about possible complications and given warning (sheets) from the pharmacist AFTER being given a script – but never by the doctor beforehand.
            No wonder so many die from “medical mistakes”. Who could possibly predict all of the possible interactions between all of these different (and potent): medications? Particularly as each individual reacts differently to these substances.
            Do you recall the phrase “combinations and permutations” from math class?


            1. The physicians’ roles must have changed greatly over the last years. With the advent of the Internet … people have become so well-read, all of a sudden they’re diagnosticians. When shorter times are allotted for each patient, spending time arguing about what he or she has read on the Internet [on more or less reliable pages], mistakes are bound to happen. Also … there’s no centralized register, so a patient can go to several different doctors and pharmacies, I guess.


                  1. No, sorry, not what I intended to say either. Just a shot from the hip with frustration (and the ridiculousness of this whole situation of people telling their doctors what pills they want to to take… ):
                    To me at least, it’s a bad thing when people deal with (anything) so often that they don’t consider the reality of it anymore [like consulting physicians talking about the patient in the bed as though they’re nothing but some crumbs on the sheet.]:
                    That, and it just seems that there’s a prescription for everything anymore… Case in point: have you heard that there’s a pill for (I think they’re calling it) “Societal Disfunction Disorder”? Something we just used to call shyness, right? Or someone’s taking anti-depressants because they’re unhappy… Who said we’re supposed to be in a constant state of bliss?
                    Anyway, my apologies for the misunderstanding.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Oh my … you bring up so many good points here — I could go on all evening LOL. Referring to the patient [present] as the condition they’re suffering from. «Put the measles in room 10!» There are letter combinations for most any sensation now, and yes, ‘depressed’ must be one of the most misused words in today’s day and age.


  5. ROFWL>>>Spray yourself with Lysol…oh Rebby that was funny!
    I do not use any of those fresheners due to Asthma. I do light scented candles or incense instead… me that is more ‘natural’ 😉


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